Select all of the correlation coefficients that represent a linear model with a weak correlation.
A.) -0.982 B.) -0.618 C.) -0.103 D.) 0.204 E.) 0.907 F.) 1
The correlation coefficient measures the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables on a scatter plot. The value is always between +1 and -1, and is valued as follows:
-1 perfect downhill / negative relationship -0.7 strong downhill / negative relationship -0.5 moderate downhill / negative relationship -0.3 weak downhill / negative relationship 0 no linear relationship 0.3 weak uphill / positive relationship 0.5 moderate uphill / positive relationship 0.7 strong uphill / positive relationship 1 perfect uphill / positive relationship From the choices, the weak correlation coefficients are: C.) -0.103 D.) 0.204 Ask Algebra House Comments are closed.
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